SUMMER 2011  

Alumni news and notes
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Giving to Manchester
There's still time to give
before the College's fiscal
year ends June 30.

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  • Check out Manchester's new alumni website
  • Mike Kelly <br />Class of ‘70
  • Shhhhhh! Where did you study for exams?
  • Are Scandinavians the world’s happiest people?
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Alumni memories
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@manchester news

Campus transformation continues
with new Academic Center

Manchester is transforming the learning environment for its business, education and liberal arts students with construction of a $9.1 million Academic Center in the former Holl-Kintner building … read more

The Class of 2011 embarks,
vowing to 'make a difference'

"Set a conscious motto for yourself, and trust your intuition about your journey," Janis Clark Johnston advised the Class of 2011 at Manchester's 112nd commencement on May 22 … read more

Six who "lose" themselves in service

receive Alumni Honor Awards
2011 Alumni Honor Awards go to Dave '73 and Sandy Haist '74, Rick Mishler '74, Marcia Sowles '72, Jo Young '69 Switzer and Phil West '60 for their extraordinary dedication and service … read more

Help dig into the College of Pharmacy
at Aug. 4 Fort Wayne groundbreaking
Community, health care and education leaders will join the College and its donors and friends to formally break ground Thursday, Aug. 4 on a world-class education and research facility the Manchester College College of Pharmacy … read more

Donor golfers chip in $50,000
for Spartan student-athletes

A field of more than 30 generous foursomes raised more than $50,000 for MC's Division III athletics programs on June 10 at Bridgewater East Golf Club in Auburn … read more

Manchester scientists bring
new meaning to "stardust"

Nothing can survive the extreme heat of a star, right? Think again, say Manchester astrophysicist Christer Watson and his students … read more

Looking for a natural leader?
Check out Manchester College!

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." Manchester has honored two of its seniors for fulfilliing that challenge of John Quincy Adams ... read more

The Manchester Fund: a direct route

to putting students first, instantly
As the College nears the end of its fiscal year on June 30, donors have an easy way to make big impact quickly: Give to The Manchester Fund and instantly put your gift of any size where it can do the most good … read more

Manchester Magazine

Manchester magazine online
has even more!

Homecoming family weekend 2010
Video, photos
from Alumni Days 2011

Homecoming & Family Weekend 2011
Oct. 7-8, 2011
Class reunions
'66, '71, '76, '81, '86,
'91, '96, '01


Copyright © 2010
Manchester College Office of Alumni Administration | 888-257-ALUM (2586) | alumnioffice@sportshsc.com